City Celebrates 911 Operators During 2022 National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
By Office of Communication
Posted on April 11, 2022, April 11, 2022

In observance of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, the City of Arlington salutes the 9-1-1 operators and dispatchers who answer the calls and save lives every day.

In observance of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, the City of Arlington salutes the 9-1-1 operators and dispatchers who answer the calls and save lives every day.

Arlington and communities across the United States will take time to recognize those who help save lives in times of crisis during the week of April 10-16, 2022. This week has been set aside for the dedicated men and women who serve as public safety telecommunicators.

“Our team of dedicated telecommunicators provide a vital link between citizens and first responders, and they are absolutely essential during the 911 emergency response process. If it doesn’t go right in Dispatch, it doesn’t go right in the field,” said Don Crowson, the City’s fire chief and director of emergency management. “We are very thankful for their service to the Arlington community.”

Over the years, several City of Arlington departments and organizations have been a part of the celebration by expressing support in the form of cards, gift baskets, food, etc. Each agency is encouraged to celebrate and honor their telecommunicators in their own way.

This year, we will continue the tradition of honoring our 911 operators and dispatchers in collaboration with the Tarrant County 911 District.

Please click here if you are interested in a career as a telecommunicator with the City of Arlington.

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